Case Manager - SHC
Job description
The basic function of the SHC Case Manager is to: (1) assist elders in obtaining services that will secure an independent lifestyle, (2) identify gaps in services and (3) advocate for services that will maximize independent functioning and to educate and promote awareness of community services.
Responsibilities include:
Identify gaps in services and advocate for services that will maximize independent functioning.
Educate and promote awareness of community services in the Bellingham and Milford area.
Conduct an initial assessment of physical, social, environmental and emotional status to determine needs and eligibility requirements.
Develop and implement a service plan and supportive networks through contact with consumer, formal and informal supports, and consultation with supervisor.
Assist consumer to obtain and utilize other community services such as: VNA, housing, fuel assistance, Council on Aging, Medicaid, etc., and monitor consumer’s needs and service plan on an ongoing basis.
Qualifications include:
Bachelor’s degree in Social Work, Human Services or related field preferred.
Communication skills with consumers, physicians, family members, providers (telephone, email or in person, as needed).
Knowledge of home and community-based service systems and how to access and arrange services (preferred).
Familiarity with state-wide health care network (preferred).
Works as a member of a team and independently.
Motor vehicle and valid Driver’s license; maintain minimum insurance liability on vehicle and complete motor vehicle driving record check.